Why leave America?

Many people who know me know I’m leaving the country for a time. Moving to New Zealand in 2009, that wondrous and simple country where I possibly spent the three most creatively fruitful months of my life, back in 2000, when I wrote the first draft of The Superhero’s Closet. But as beautiful as it…

Facebook is not

I joined Facebook on August 6, 2007 for two reasons: to remain abreast as an interaction designer of what the kids are playing with these days, and to sate my curiosity about the value of the enterprise. Now, just over 5 months later, I am dismantling my Facebook account (which is so much more gratifying…

Long live Alcatraz

Well, kooky Californian spiritualists are at it again. Today, while reviewing the Feb. 5 California sample ballot, I noticed, at the very bottom of the list of referenda and propositions, the short and sweet sentence that is Proposition C: Shall it be City policy that the City should explore and facilitate the acquisition of Alcatraz…

The three faces of George

I’ve heard stories throughout Bush’s interminable tenure as President that in person he’s charming, that he seems real. I’ve also heard that he’s dumb as a post, a person who reacts crudely to immediate situations rather than revere and ponder the responsibilities a majority of misguided Americans bestowed upon him. What I had never heard…