The death of the Clog

Yesterday was my 44th birthday. To celebrate, I’m killing the Clog. It was never my intention that the Clog should become a measure of my unhappiness living here in the U.S. Instead, I always meant it to be a vehicle for writing, a way to chronicle exciting times and random interesting observations that might be…

Look at my butt

No, I’m serious. Look at my butt. It’s bigger and rounder than it was a week ago. My pecs are like slopes, my arms like the hillside divots Torino skiers negotiate with sweat on their brows. My thighs? Don’t get me started. I jest, of course, but I’m back in the full swing of “working…

Merry Christmas

I’m having a great time in D.C. repairing with la familia. They’re having an unusually warm Christmas, high 40s/low 50s, a spot of rain here and there. So much for the snow I always relish. My mother still hasn’t fully recovered from her catastrophic illness earlier this year, so instead of hauling her to my…