“Where you at?”

I’ve held my tongue for the longest time about the demise of a simple Strunk & White grammatical rule: do not end sentences with a preposition. I’ve held my tongue because, as a student of the English language, I recognize that language — and its rules — evolve over time. Spelling changes. Syntax changes. New…


Seems like I don’t read nearly as many novels as I used to. For a writer, this may seem like some secret shame: a decreasing dependency on the written word is like an “actor” slumming on TV. I won’t bitch and moan about how most modern literature bores me to tears, but I will say…


The iPod and all its spawn fascinate me. I’d never buy one because I think they’re overpriced and overrated, but I happily admit to their sexy appeal. The power of brand, high-falutin’ Apple design and market hunger converge to bestow on this family of products a glamor that beggars description. It’s a bit like when…