Girl drinks for tough guys

Anybody remember Zima, that awful girlie drink from the 80s designed to get girls drinking bottled liquor that they then threw up after one too many? I haven’t followed the girlie drink industry since then, but today, at the Nationals ball park, I discovered a new, slightly more disturbing, phenomenon: Bud Lite Lime. It is…

Watchmen: like a dream

“Seems like only yesterday” is, indeed, a cliche. I read Watchmen when they were only available as monthly issues in a 12-issue series, and that doesn’t feel like 23 years ago. Perhaps the reason Watchmen feels so recent is that it remains a rich and entertaining literary epic, its themes so painfully appropriate, its unflinching…

Oh, my God, we’re pussies

The New York Times (sigh) has posted a much-blogged, much-read article about something called — don’t laugh — thirdhand smoke. In short, smokers who aren’t actually smoking at the moment carry molecules of nasty toxins like hydrogen cyanide and arsenic. Oh, my god, arsenic, it’s so famously poisonous, don’t you know? These molecules can transfer…

What is Christmas?

Christmas is taking pleasure in the idea of giving a gift to someone you don’t like. Christmas is reveling in the glee others get in receiving from you something that you made. Creating gifts is an act of love, buying them is an act of commerce. Christmas is the intellectual challenge of making someone happy…