Nurse Chapel is dead

Over the last few weeks, I’ve really enjoyed watching the digitally remastered three seasons of the original Star Trek Series. If you’re a fan and haven’t experienced the cleaned, effects-enhanced episodes, I recommend them. For die-hards, just go ahead and buy the seasons; for everyone else, rent or stream them from Netflix. One of the…

Banjo Jesus

Today was my last day in Branson, MO (trust me, 2 days is enough). As my previous post tries to demonstrate, it was, if nothing else, a superior sociological quickie. Grandma sent me off in style. After a visit to Wal-Mart, she took me to lunch at Shoney’s, where she splurged for the $7.99 lunch…

Notes from Branson

I’m sitting in my grandmother’s living room in Branson, MO, trying to stay awake during my usual mid-afternoon nap slump. Grandma is napping in stereo; she’s directing people to do her bidding, something to do with shoes, I’m trying not to listen lest I hear something scandalous from her 85 years of memories.