Nochnoi Dozor

Imagine a movie in which superhumans move invisibly through an extra-dimensional membrane called the Gloom. A world in which — if you choose to break the laws of magic — you can, with a spell, cause a spontaneous abortion from miles away. Or change instantaneously into a tiger or bear. A world in which a…

Look at my butt

No, I’m serious. Look at my butt. It’s bigger and rounder than it was a week ago. My pecs are like slopes, my arms like the hillside divots Torino skiers negotiate with sweat on their brows. My thighs? Don’t get me started. I jest, of course, but I’m back in the full swing of “working…

On martinis

While in Chicago a couple of weekends ago, Jeremy and I descended on Coq d’Or, the Drake’s well-appointed hotel lounge. Here was served the 2nd drink in Chicago after Prohibition righteously imploded. Their specialty is the Martini. Hotel elevators present tasteful advertisements for James Bond’s drink of choice; the bar itself offers several vodka delectations.

Alice had it easy

I could talk about Mirrormask, the recent fantasy film from Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, with requisite superlatives and florid qualifiers, but it’s simply not “great” enough to warrant that kind of hype. Instead, I just want to mention that it’s a fabulous visual feast with a pedestrian plot, which, if repaired, would have put…

My, what a fat ass you have

Today, I received my bi-weekly shipment of ultra-delicious organic vegetables from PlanetOrganics, which has changed the way I think about and consume veggies and fruits. Whenever these shipments arrive, I run to my cookbooks for ideas about what to do with so much food. Today, I grabbed Deborah Madison’s The Greens Cookbook and Jamie Oliver’s…