Pianeti bei

For the holidays, my friends Elaine and <a href=”http://www.docrpm.com”>Ryan</a> gave me a beautiful edition of Dava Sobel’s <a href=”http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/author.pperl?authorid=29038″><span style=”font-weight:bold;”><span style=”font-style:italic;”>The Planets</span></span></a>, published last fall by Viking. If you’ve ever read an English translation of Charles Baudelaire’s <span style=”font-weight:bold;”><span style=”font-style:italic;”>Paris Spleen</span></span>, you’ll have a strong sense of how tight and pleasing this book is.  As…

How to write an intellectual thriller

Recently, and completely by coincidence, two novels have crossed my path.  The first, <span style=”font-weight: bold;”><span style=”font-style: italic;”>The Rule of Four</span></span>, takes place in modern times and involves several people’s attempts to solve a riddle rooted in documents and lives that existed centuries ago.  The second, <span style=”font-weight: bold;”><span style=”font-style: italic;”>The Da Vinci Code</span></span>, takes…

Battlestar Galactica

Thanks to DVD and iTunes, I’ve been able to take part in the phenomenal joy of the Sci-Fi channel’s Battlestar Galactica without suffering the venal claptrap of network television. Many people have touted the strengths of this exquisitely crafted show, and for those of us who grew up on the new Galactica’s cheesy 70s progenitor,…

The Superhero’s Closet

At long last, my novel, The Superhero’s Closet, is going to print. Since I haven’t yet built a promotional site for the book, I just wanted to share the good news and what’s happening as I write. Today, I invited professional actor/model Ronnie Kerr to pose for cover photography. Local photographer Michael Sexton will take…

“Where you at?”

I’ve held my tongue for the longest time about the demise of a simple Strunk & White grammatical rule: do not end sentences with a preposition. I’ve held my tongue because, as a student of the English language, I recognize that language — and its rules — evolve over time. Spelling changes. Syntax changes. New…